“GRAN-MA!! Gran-ma!..

… you gotta see this!”

I heard someone shouting outside the door on Monday. I’d just got over the weekend’s postcourt success blues and was joyfully peanutbuttering some toast for breakfast.

I didn’t actually hear the words at that point. Just the volume of someone outside the door, shouting on the phone.

Then I tuned in, and realised they were shouting with joy!

“GRAN-MA!! Gran-ma!.. you gotta come down and see this!

Its a proper old school squat!!!

– a person shouting into their phone outside the window.

I peeked my head around the window and smiled enormously. “A proper old-school squat!” Ahh those were the words I’ve been yearning to hear. That really made me so overwhelmingly happy!!!

The idea this person was so excited that they were motivated to call anyone about it, and that it was their gran! Oh wow. It was so affirming to be reminded that there are people out there who know what this is all about. I wonder what gran will remember about the last time there was a housing crisis of this level of intensification…

They took a photo of the poster, I hope they’re gonna visit this website soon!

Published by

Cyborg Psychopomp

Just another cybernetic organism on its way to the afterlife.

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