Live with us..

Short term

If you’d like to stay with us for a couple of nights for whatever reason, please text us in advance on 07300303123 the more notice you give us the more we can do to accommodate you. Ideally give us more than 24 hours’ notice but if you have to turn up at out door late one night, knock hard and be prepared to explain your situation, it’s ultimately up to whoever’s in the building in question.

Medium/Long term

If you would like to come and try living with other Space Pirates on a medium or longer term basis as we voyage among deserted islands of paradise, please come and stay with us for a trial 24hrs which will be followed by a trial 7 consecutive days.

During this time there will be a lot of opportunities to learn about and get involved with Space Pirates’ collaboration more generally and we’ll get a better idea about living with one another. At the end you’ll have a 1:1 checkout with everyone else who lived in that building at the time and we’ll all see where we want to take things from that point.

Try living with us.

Published by

Cyborg Psychopomp

Just another cybernetic organism on its way to the afterlife.

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