Guinea pigging the Megatron

Enter the Megatron: also known as “The Trolley”, “The Orange Megatron”, the “Home-in-a-Box”, a 2 metre tall Tesco trolley filled to the brim with liberated tools, food, kitchen items, sleeping mats, the essentials for a cracknight, all on wheels.

The opening of the first space pirates Megacamp called for the first test of our creation, so we set sail into the night…

Some things we learnt for the future:

  • More than 2 people are required
  • Push from the back so the wheels that can turn are at the front
  • The 30m cable works well to keep everything inside (edit: no it doesn’t)
  • Don’t pack it top heavy
  • Dart broke their foot on the front of the trolley
  • It needs a door

It succeeded at getting there however it needs some discussion!

“Fuck that guy, that’s all I have to say” – Dart, upon self reflection

Help with the Space Pirates legal warning for the 1stup!

Welcome all legal eagles! This document aims to grow into a complete formatted document to print and give to police, bailiffs, security, stressed-out owners, shifty neighbours and all other opposition, laying down our intentions, and rights to ensure that negotiations remain fair and we keep the building that we are legally entitled to, both by ensuring that nothing is lost in communication and by physical proof that the opposition have been made aware that we are not breaking any laws, closing some loopholes that they could use to evict us.

We are calling on all legal eagles to suggest changes, removals or additions to this document!

We started with some scrolling on the building that we intend to put the notice on- some details has been redacted as it is sensitive information.

Scrolling / info:

Network operator: UK Power Networks
Supplier: EDF Energy (#: 033320051503)

?add meter readings/dates and date sc & ac of electricity suppier (edf)

[Address] Description: Offices & premises -> non resi, section 144 LASPO, DRO, PIO laws don’t apply

Land Reg:
Property description: [3 addresses]

Planning reg:
[Number] registered xx/6/21 demolition, remodelling, extension to (…) And [address] to provide (…)

Title register: [pdf link]
Title plan: [pdf link]

Previous encounters: Security scammed them out!

After some brainstorming and consulting, we came up for a list of important points for the document – attempting to cover all bases and leave no room for goon ignorance.

  • Section 6 explain + this doc is proof that squatters object to the addressed entering the building
  • Section 144 + PIO + DRO explain
  • Intend to pay for leccy + explain leccy laws + proof of intent to pay
  • Cameras covering/broadcasting? outside building 24/7
  • Email address for contact – as per latest A.S.S advice
  • No criminal damage

Here is the current state of the document:

Please feel free to comment any additions, changes and removals that you feel should be made to the document! Any help is always appreciated.

Ahoy nerds! Some cool pirate related API’S

Happy international speak-like-a-pirate day! As part of my legal-document-writing-procrastinating I began researching pirate translators – thanks to Cyborgs’ genius idea of writing a section 6 in pirate language;*

I stumbled upon the treasure chest that is hosts not one but two glorious API’s, the first of which is a pirate translator and the second of which is a pirate insult generator.

There are so many wonderfully stupid ways to use this API – let your creativity run free! My first project will be an arduino-powered doorbell that shouts pirate insults at any bailiffs, security, police or stressed out landlords that press it. Here’s a compass for it-

Full post coming soon!

Using the API is simple – simply send an HTTP GET request in your favourite language to either, which will return a random insult or to, with the parameter “english” set to the text you would like to translate, URL-encoded – which will return your text, pirate-translated. Here are some examples of how to use it in code:

Command line (linux/macos/windows):

curl --data-urlencode "english=[input]" ""

Python (also works on raspberry pi!):

import urllib3
http = urllib3.PoolManager()
input = "[input]" #text to translate
response = http.request('GET', '', headers={
	'english': input
output ='utf-8')


fetch("").then(function(response) {
  return response.json();
}).then(function(data) {
}).catch(function() {
  console.log("Shiver me timbers!! An error!!");

Be sure to comment/post any ideas/experiments!

*which, if you’re interested in, is available here: